Thursday, May 26, 2011

2.11 Goddess' Rage

Mission Sypnosis: The death of Achilles has angered his mother goddess, Thetis. The Achaeans decided it is necessary to offer prayers to appease and win the goddess' favour if they were to win this war. However, the Trojans decided to take the opportunity to attack the ritual party. You are to defend the ritual site to ensure that they can make peace with the goddess.

Upgrade path: Basic>Speed>Range

Quest: Officer Odysseus - Side Quests: Goddess' Rage

Bonus Items: 3 Water of Life on the north tent, 3 Water of Life on the SouthWest tent

This map is pretty difficult for 2 person with less than 1m might, and even with higher mights it can still be a problem. Therefore, I would advise either 3 persons to handle it, or else just do solo mode, because it can be a lot less hassle for just one box less. Either way, you should split your team into two groups: the north and the south. South team can consist of 1-2 ranged and 1 healer and that would be enough. North team should consist of the rest of the entire team. I also advise getting a catapult (south team) and at least a net trap (take net trap II if you are not confident) to pull this off easier. If anyone has a vampire merc, then the south team only needs her and one more ranged (archer preferabbly). Note that if you are doing solo mode, your battle formation will allow you to position your mercs for this mission. However, it will not apply to a 3 person party, and your position is based on your role in the squad: commander, or otherwise.

My solo mode formation is:
(not bringing)-(not bringing)-Staff Main(North)
(not bringing)-Vampire(South)-Empress(South)

Now for the mission's walkthrough itself. If you are playing solo mode, do not upgrade and end your turn. Simply buy an upgrade, move out your south team and roll out a catapult (goes with south team), then afk until the timer goes up (to delay.....all the way until the boss arrives). If you are doing squad mode, then immediately push your designated mercs to the north and south team asap with a catapult in the production line. In either case, your south teams must quickly deploy because your starting points are always closer towards the north.

If you are playing in Solo mode, you will realise that the mobs actually hit less than in squad. Therefore, it can take them 2 to 3 turns to break the barricades. As soon as they do, start engaging the mobs, attacking the arties first since they are the weaker ones. If you are a Staff Main, you can simply flameblow north and you will kill the 2 arties and severely weaken the archer in the middle. Meanwhile, your south team has to continue down south till they reach the enemies. No matter what happens, do not ever end your turn manually. Let the timer go off itself, and you should reach the first cutscene at the end of 3 turns and about 30 seconds. If you timed it right, you can actually attack twice on your 4th turn (once before the cutscene, another after the cutscene, but you must not have ended all your chars). Once you have cleared all the initial mobs (north not necessary..), move south every chars you have and again, don't end your turns. If you are a first timer and you are not confident, you can place a net trap just right of your training hall and above your main base. This will prevent them from attacking your main base (the very building that you are trying to defend) should they successfully destroy the barricades and invade. When moving south, you have a choice of whether you want to bring your catapult with you all the way down south, depending on whether the barricade has enough space for your catapult to move out. Either way, continue everyone south until you reach a spot with 2 melees and an archer. Kill them, but I emphasise again do not end your turn. At some point, you will reach the second cutscene and again a bunch of mobs appear on the north east side but do not bother about them, because you have already prepared a trap for them anyway. Once you are done killing the south mobs, move back one unit and place another net trap between the south mobs and the barricade. Go ahead and take the time to bring down the southwestern tent for a bonus loot of 3 Water of Life, preferabbly using the catapult or any cannon unit you have. When the timer reaches about 16 min and 30 seconds left, the final boss will finally appear. Now give it all you got to wack the mobs, then the boss. You may now finally end your turn after everyone attacks. Any AOE spells will be very effective here since they are all in a bunch. They may attempt to proceed to your base even though you are around to disturb them, and that's where your south net will work. Once you have laid waste to the mobs, quickly focus all your attacks on the boss and it will end the mission in success.

Now for Squad mode. If you are controlling the south party, you only need to kill the units that are breaking the barricade. Once it's done, put a net trap just outside the barricade and your job is pretty much finished for now. You can also proceed southwest to break the tent and get the 3 Waters of Life. If you are the north party, rush to kill the mobs attacking your barricades. Each time your barricade falls, you will have less defence later, so try disturbing them asap. Either way, you must end your turn after finishing your moves, unlike the solo mode, because delaying will make it worse. Breakthrough the barricades and destroy the north tent for a bonus of 3 Waters of Life. At some juncture, you will encounter the first cutscene and a party spawns. Take the north team to engage them, but it is not necessary to destroy the summon gate. Once you have cleared, quickly push your team to the right and prepare for the imminent spawn. Again, engage the mobs, but don't destroy the gate (you are just wasting time if you do so). Quickly finish the fight and rush everyone in the north team down south now to prepare for the boss himself. Once you have killed the boss, the mission is over.

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